I only feel it indoors
The door is the barrier
To the boundary line
A wooden veil between worlds
Of reality and desire
An unending, never- ending crave
I can't articulate
The hunger I can't name
I thought the wind
Had succeeded in erasing it
But it's too late
The words are already branded
In my soul
Twisted within my DNA
And the hunger returns
Each time the music plays
It plays just like a mirror,
Bringing me back around
To days, I thought I had left behind
Brought back to a quiet child
Wishing she could escape
A mould clinging like desperation
Before it finishes taking shape
And each time I think
The wind melts it all away
I hear a song summoning me back
And each time those notes play, I find
The questioning hunger never left
It only hid, biding its time,
Waiting to shape-shift
Into a new fear